воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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There are many people that have many expectations, but listening to the person who sold us the war in Iraq damn sure was something I didn't expect. Simply amazing.� One of the reasons during the primary I always realized was the fact that some people choose to ignore the facts to be able to hang on to there beliefs.� They choose to forget the reason we went into Iraq had nothing to do with Sept 11th, that was just the media spin to help Barack Obama.� I remember like it was yesterday watching Colin Powell brief the UN with aerial photo's of facilities that were "suppose" to have WMD's.� Despite the fact that the UN inspectors they sent in found nothing.� But he sold it lock, stock and barrell because we as a whole were still reeling from that horrible day. Emotions were high and everyone wanted someone to pay. People tend to forget that Sadaam Hussein was put on trial because of his actions years ago to his killing his own people.

Not because of anything that had to do with Sept 11th.� Everything is done in a way and told in a way by the media to give the American people a allusion were they make there decisions based on not the truth, but there pereception, and it works for Barack Obama.� They destroyed Senator Clinton about her vote for Iraq, but the man who sold it to the entire country and the UN, got a free ride. HE was the one who stood up there with false information that they used to make a uniformed decision as a whole.� She paid the price for her vote during the primaries from Obama supporters.� But what did he do? He picks a VP who made the same exact decision.� And now, an endorsement from the man who gave it to us.� I read that he consults Colin Powell and all I can say is that God help us if he decides to sell us something else.

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